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Drills & Training

AirCAT is the most versatile volleyball training machine around. See what you can do with it.

Team Training

Attack Coverage

Out of System: 3 on 6

Sideline & Seam Passing

Setter's Choice

And so much more...


Digging, hitting, serving and blocking

Like every volleyball coach, you’re juggling enough balls in the air. Now you can free up more time for coaching and by letting AirCAT volleyball training machine feed up to 1,200 fast, precise tosses per hour. It’s all done by air, so you’ll save on ball replacement while gaining a whole new array of volleyball drills to practice: digging, spiking, serving, attack blocking and the complete range of volleyball game skills needed for peak performance. Get more reps in less time with greater control—put AirCAT volleyball training machine to work on your team.


Individual player training

The AirCAT is ideal for allowing individualized training. Players can practice a wide variety of drills completely on their own. The coach or the player can program in an individualized drill – allowing players to work outside of practice on a specific drill — over and over again.
Reminder - the AirCAT will feed up to 1,200 fast, precise tosses per hour and it’s all done by air, so don’t worry about wear and tear on your volleyballs!

Get your players started practicing skills and drills on their own with the AirCAT!


Setting, tipping, and overpass

The AirCAT makes a great drill partner for setting, tipping & overpass drills. Due to the consistency of AirCAT’s ball delivery, auto-feeder and timer or remote, players and coaches both benefit.

Players benefit from having a ball delivered to a precise location, shot after shot.

Coaches can spend more time working directly with the players versus tossing balls.

AirCAT is the perfect drill partner. Quite simply, it is the digging, spiking, setting, tipping, serving, passing, blocking, fully-automatic, battery-operated volleyball drill machine.


Serve receive and blocking

For practicing serve receive, adjust the angle and speed of the ball and let the AirCAT deliver powerful serves to your players.

Practice offensive skills off the serve with pass, set and attack. And, to add variety, the AirCAT’s ball trajectory and angle of attack can be quickly changed in a smooth fluid motion, even while balls are being launched.
85% of college serves are floaters – and the AirCAT delivers the best floater serve on the market!